
News & Events

News & Events

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2024: Mar 128

Meet our CEO at BioEurope Spring 2024 in Barcelona!

2023: Dec 13

We pitched at BioFit 2023 in Marseilles:

2023: Dec 12

Meet our CEO at BioFit 2023 in Marseilles!

2023: Nov 06

Visit us at the shared booth (Hall B6 Stand 70) of Bayern Innovativ / BioM at BioEurope on 6th – 8th November 2023 in Munich:!ausstellung

2023: Oct 24

A recording of the presentation by Helga Schmetzer at 23rd Annual Biotech in Europe Forum in Basel is available:

2023: Oct 09

Modiblast has got confirmed an extension of qualification “INVEST – Zuschuss für Wagniskapital” by BaFA until 12th Oct 2024.

More information:

2023: Jul 30

Modiblast will have a presence at the shared booth of Bayern Innovativ / BioM at BioEurope on 6th – 8th November 2023 in Munich:!ausstellung

2023: Jul 28

Helga Schmetzer will present at the 23rd Annual Biotech in Europe Forum on 20th – 21st September 2023 in Basel:

2023: Jul 24

Helga Schmetzer will participate in the BioFit 2023 12th – 13th September 2023 in Marseille:

2023: Jul 21

Helga Schmetzer will present at the LSX Inv€$tival 13th November 2023 in London:

2023: Jun 24

The university researchers Tobias Baudrexler and Tobias Boeselt from the team of our CEO and Founder Helga Schmetzer have published interesting work on the field of #diagnostics for #immunooncology using the same drug combination as Modiblast uses.

2023: May 17

#Modiblast has become a clinical phase company!

Recently we reached an important clinical development milestone: the #ScientificAdvice hearing at #BfArM (German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices) was passed without objections, significantly increasing the chances to get final regulatory approval for the planned Phase 1/2 clinical trial of our in vivo AML and MDS immunotherapy #MB101. All safety aspects are sufficiently taken into account, the preclinical data were deemed adequate and the study rationale well substantiated. Once funding of the study is secured, we will work out the detailed protocol and sign contracts with the CRO and study centers.

2023: Mar 2

Modiblast has reached EMA SME status which helps us to conduct the clinical developent program.

2022: Dec 27

We are proud about the latest research publication by our CEO/CSO Helga Schmetzer and her team about leukemia derived Dendritic Cells immune activation in a renowned international journal:

2022: Oct 25

Helga (and the whole team) is proud that her pitch and Modiblast were chosen as the Winner of the Startup Spotlight competition at BIO-Europe 2022!

2022: Sep 16

We were choosen to be amongst the 8 Finalists of the 9th BioRiver Boost! Start-Up Competition 2022 (Agenda). Meet us at the presentation on 29th Sept 2022.

2022: Aug 10

We were choosen to be amongst the 20 Finalists of the WECONOMY Start-Up Competition 2022.

2022: Aug 04

A new publication by the research team around our CEO Helga has been accepted and published in Clinical Immunology Volume 242, September 2022

Immunomodulatory kits generating leukaemia derived dendritic cells do not induce blast proliferation ex vivo: IPO-38 as a novel marker to quantify proliferating blasts in acute myeloid leukaemia

• Immunomodulatory kits generating leukaemia-derived-dendritic-cells do not induce blast proliferation ex vivo in most cases.
• Leukaemia-derived-dendritic-cells’ induced anti-leukaemic activity can compensate induced blast proliferation.
• IPO-38 is a sensitive marker to quantify proliferating blasts.

2022: Jun 08

The latest paper of our Chief Scientist Helga Schmetzer and her team “Leukemia derived dendritic cell (DCleu) mediated immune response goes along with reduced (leukemia-specific) regulatory T-cells” has been accepted by Immunobiology (Elsevier) for publication later.

2022: May 16

Modiblast has received a positive decision for the program “INVEST – Venture Capital Grant”. Please see our Database Record (in German).

2022: Apr 26

Modiblast is prominently featured in the German startupdetector report 2021 on p. 47 among the startups with the most female angels:

2021: Dec 16

BfArM kickoff meeting for the clinical study (VALID = “Vaccination against leukemia by in vivo differentiation of blasts”) sponsored by University of Augsburg and supported by Modiblast.

2021 Oct 19-21

Modiblast is participating in the BioEntrepreneurship Summit 2021.

2021 Oct 01

Modiblast presents its story at the BioRiver Boost! competition as one of the eight finalists.

2021 Apr 19

We are proud to announce that PD Dr. med. Behrouz Mansouri has joined our team as Medical Director. Behrouz is a renowned expert in Transfusion Medicine and Hematology, has been awarded the “Volkmar Sachs Medal” by the German Society for Transfusion Medicine (DGTI). His tasks will be planning and coordinating our clinical study activities, liaison with patient representative organizations, and taking care of public relations in the regarding clinical affairs as well as scientific and non-scientific areas.

2021 Feb 09

Our US-Patent “Use of immunomodulatory kits for immunotherapeutic treatment of patients with myeloid leukemias” is issued under the number 10,912,820. Please refer to

2020 Mar 11

The European patent EP 3217975 B1 is granted.

2020 Jan 24

Modiblast Pharma GmbH is founded in Oberhaching near Munich.

2017 Feb 01

alpha-Forum: TV interview with Helga Maria Schmetzer, specialist for immunotherapy of leukemias.

Helga Schmetzer zu Gast im alpha-Forum | Bild: BR

Mittwoch, 01.02.2017, 20:15 bis 21:00 Uhr